Như bông hoa tươi đẹp, có sắc nhưng không hương. Cũng vậy, lời khéo nói, không làm, không kết quả.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 51)
Có những người không nói ra phù hợp với những gì họ nghĩ và không làm theo như những gì họ nói. Vì thế, họ khiến cho người khác phải nói những lời không nên nói và phải làm những điều không nên làm với họ. (There are people who don't say according to what they thought and don't do according to what they say. Beccause of that, they make others have to say what should not be said and do what should not be done to them.)Rộng Mở Tâm Hồn
Cách tốt nhất để tìm thấy chính mình là quên mình để phụng sự người khác. (The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. )Mahatma Gandhi
Bất lương không phải là tin hay không tin, mà bất lương là khi một người xác nhận rằng họ tin vào một điều mà thực sự họ không hề tin. (Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving, it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe.)Thomas Paine
Để có đôi mắt đẹp, hãy chọn nhìn những điều tốt đẹp ở người khác; để có đôi môi đẹp, hãy nói ra toàn những lời tử tế, và để vững vàng trong cuộc sống, hãy bước đi với ý thức rằng bạn không bao giờ cô độc. (For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.)Audrey Hepburn
Những chướng ngại không thể làm cho bạn dừng lại. Nếu gặp phải một bức tường, đừng quay lại và bỏ cuộc, hãy tìm cách trèo lên, vượt qua hoặc đi vòng qua nó. (Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. )Michael Jordon
Hãy tin rằng bạn có thể làm được, đó là bạn đã đi được một nửa chặng đường. (Believe you can and you're halfway there.)Theodore Roosevelt
Hương hoa thơm chỉ bay theo chiều gió, tiếng thơm người hiền lan tỏa khắp nơi nơi. Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 54)
Càng giúp người khác thì mình càng có nhiều hơn; càng cho người khác thì mình càng được nhiều hơn.Lão tử (Đạo đức kinh)
Cuộc sống không phải là vấn đề bất ổn cần giải quyết, mà là một thực tiễn để trải nghiệm. (Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.)Soren Kierkegaard

Trang chủ »» Danh mục »» TỦ SÁCH RỘNG MỞ TÂM HỒN »» The Beauty Of Multiculturalism »» Mother is immense, Father is monumental »»

The Beauty Of Multiculturalism
»» Mother is immense, Father is monumental

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Vẻ đẹp đa văn hóa - Mẹ mênh mông, cha vời vợi

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Mua bản sách in

Mother’s Shore - An Awakening
Through many years of searching and learning
Many great teachers
Far and near
Only I had not seen,
In our own home:
My mother

Eating Coconut Treat with Mother
Silence in the dawn,
a pretty chilly calendar’s leaf.
Smile—the realm of unbeginning,
My Mother’s eyes are forever fresh.

After Lunar New Year (Tết), Breathe and Smile with Mother Sunshine yellows with anxiety
From red roses’ petals, stigma, pollens—falling.
Mother’s once vibrant black hair
now turns silver white,
Orange and banana are goldening in isolation

le soleil jaunit d’anxiété
à l’envol du pollen des pétales roses
les cheveux noirs laqués de ma mère
aujourd’hui blanchissent argentés
les oranges et les bananes dorent d’isolement

In this Christmas Eve, the full moon shinning.
Winter is cold, our hearts are aching.
This is the first holiday that
our mother is not with us,
Mother is like the moon.
So magnificent,
pure, magical
like free cloud

Thanks giving For Life
Thank you, Mom and Dad, for giving me life
and love that is vaster than the immense ocean,
and longer than the endless river.
Thank you, nature, for giving me so much
power of love and beauty:
Flowers, mountains, forests, creeks,
dunes of sand, and stars.
Thank you, beloved wife,
for giving me your warm lips,
Full of passionate love in togetherness.
Thank you, venerable Master,
for showing me the Way
that enlightens me on my arduous journey of samsara.

Our Mother’s Feet
Our mother’s feet are pale and fragile.
What she has left is just skin and bones,
which wilt our
All of her life she
and Loves
her children and grandchildren forever.

Our mother’s feet are aged—displace a color of adventure,
A sign of being weathered, wisdom, and compassion.
Looking at these nameless tendons and bones,
in our heart, we shed the tears of love.
Looking at these signs,
we realize our life is a passing dream,
We see life take its course in its immense and endless flow,
Even though we are embracing and accepting life as it is,
Our heart rhythms have the sound of true emptiness.

My Mother’s Mole
To my mom - Happy Mother’s Day

This year, my mom turns 80-years-old,
She still has a big smile whenever she sees her children.
She is even more graceful and beautiful
because of the mole under her lips.
O, my Mother’s mole,
as beautiful as poetry
but it is also a question mark of life.
Ups and downs, good and bad, happiness and sorrow.
That is the truth of life – full of the above.
My mother’s mole – a question mark of life.
Where does it come from and where will it go?
My mother’s smile with her bright eyes will last forever.
As if she is saying: Please stop that nonsense, son.
Happiness is whenever we are, ‘presensing’ for each other.
The past is gone,
and the future is yet to come;
Do not bother or mind, my dear son.
The now; the present time is simply pure happiness.
One day I lived in life is also a day I died in life!
You are my continuation,
You’re the flowers, the quintessence,
the beauty manifestations.
Also continue with what you perceive is right.
Yet, as I get older, my heart aches,
Loving my dad more,
Loving my mom much more.
Their lives were miserable for all of us,
They poured so much sweat and tears,
They devoted their entire lives and sacrificed
a whole lot for us.
Dad worked so hard as a fisherman,
Mother does all things to make ends meet,
Still they have time to teach us how to do things right,
and to be the person we want to be.
Each time I look at her mole,
O, my Mother’s mole,
as beautiful as poetry.
What is much more beautiful is the maternal love,
beyond a beautiful dream
untouched and superb.
Maternal love is as vast as the ocean
and brighter than the sky—
Infinite and precious.
In honor of my mother’s day - 2012.

Eating Blueberry with Mother
Mother’s rice mouth-feeding
is like the lullaby of the coastal city.
The ocean is so vast, peaceful and mysterious
like the thousands stars.
Eating blueberries the images of the ocean flash back.
Chewing its sweetness and tenderness—the dream
—the dew,

Mother Letting Go Of Her Hair - Loving Her Forever
Mother always lives her life the way it should be:
Caring, loving, devoting, and practing tolerance.
All mothers’ love mortifies The Cradle by Berthe Morisot:
It is the embodiment of:
Poetry, Landscape, Seascape, Soundscape.
Mother’s life is packed with compassionate heart and mind.
Today, letting go of her hair, she lets go of all negativities;
The seed of Bodhi sprouts awaken, in homage to Buddha.
Oh! Mother, may you live so our lives
undergo less suffering.
Even though we understand impermanence,
mother’s shore is beckoning
This human realm always, dreamable
nonetheless unpredictable.
We wish to still have you,
Mother! Even so thin and skinny you have turned out to be,
We wish to still have you, Mother,
In order for us to understand
the ups and downs of this human realm.
Let go of this hair, let go of this realm
with love and peace.

Our Dad And Nature
There are empty spaces
Just close our eyes tight
Seeing the life’s limitations.

père et nature
aux creux des espaces vides
fermons nos yeux
sur les limites de notre vie

Taking Out The Trash In Our Mind
Every day seeing our Daddy
Leisurely, chanting and meditating
Purifying the earthy realm.

Our Mother and Magnolia
This time of year, the Magnolia blooms
Our mother, like the flowers, keeps smiling
Motherly love is forever
How come the tears blurred my eyes?
Mommy! We’re still mourning you...

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